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Here’s a quick summary of what’s inside—

Helping Your Children Love Learning

Do you want your children to love learning? Do you long to see their eyes light up with joy at the discovery of new truths that will change their lives?

While we can’t guarantee and shouldn’t seek delight as our primary goal in education, it does often come as the result of presenting a bountiful, nourishing, and continual feast of living ideas. If we are careful to give our children a loving atmosphere, good habits, and worthwhile resources, God can use those blessings to feed their souls. And they will be much more likely to love learning.

Educator Charlotte Mason said that “education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.” To enjoy the feast of learning, we must be sure to include all three.

A Positive Atmosphere

  • View education as a privilege, not a punishment.
  • Provide examples (books, movies, friends) that portray learning in a positive light.
  • Model a Love for Learning in your own life.

Disciplined Habits

  • Attentiveness, Obedience, and Truthfulness
  • Wonder
  • Narration
  • Interest
  • Independence
  • Thoroughness
  • Faith

Abundant Life

  • Living Ideas
  • Living Books and Resources
  • Where to Find Them

Preparing this feast is hard work, mamas. Constantly checking our own attitudes and the atmosphere we’re creating, tirelessly training our children in good habits, and carefully providing the most nourishing food for their sometimes insatiable appetites isn’t nearly as simple as the one-click “send me what I need in a box” that we’d prefer. But remember the rewards. Enjoy the feast together, and praise the Lord for the amazing opportunity He’s given us to learn to love learning.

So what do you think?
Which cover do you like best? Please comment below with your choice.
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