Are we filling their hearts with the riches of His Word,
the treasures found in books,
and the wealth of good experiences?
Audiobooks, ebooks, printables, and courses
to give you hope and help for living and learning together
as a Christian family
Our distinctives
Loving Relationships
One-on-one and family time
learning the Book, books, and life skills
Spirit-Led Routines
Building household habits
and homeschooling with heart
Quality Resources
Audiobooks, ebooks, printables, and courses
to refresh you with hope and help
Wish you could spend more meaningful time with your family?

After almost two decades in ministry, we’ve seen the toll that shallow “Christianity” and dry-as-dust “education” are taking on churches and families. That’s why we’ve determined to run Refresh Publishing differently. Our mission:
Refresh Publishing stands for
Relationship with God and family first
Exhortation based on the truth of God’s word
Faith revealed by obedience to His leading
Reality in acknowledging the trials of daily life
Equipping God’s people with tools for spiritual growth
Sharing 10% of revenue with our church and other worthwhile causes
Honesty in our marketing and communications
podcast and product
From the podcast

060 | Do Audiobooks = Real Books? (Part 1 – Disadvantages)

059 | Alaskan Adventures! (part 3) with Matt Ching, Sam Ching

058 | Alaskan Adventures! (part 2) with Jonathan Fisher

057 | Alaskan Adventures! (Part 1) with Bruce Hamilton
3. Build your faith & focus on Christ.
Raising competent, thinking disciples for Christ is difficult, demanding, and often lonely work. We’re in the trenches, too, and we don’t have it all figured out. But we’ve been blessed to find treasureloads of helpful resources (and are working on creating a few ourselves). We’d love to share that wealth with you!