Picture of Hamiltons with snowy background
Picture of Nathan Ching

Nathan Ching

A redeemed child of God, happy husband, homeschooling dad of ten, and lifelong lover of good books.

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057 | Alaskan Adventures! (Part 1) with Bruce Hamilton


Hey Fellow Dads,

Today we begin a three-episode series introducing both true and fictional stories from Alaska—tales of heroism, survival, and faith that can inspire you and your family to follow wherever God leads.

In this episode, my friend Pastor Bruce Hamilton introduces his first book—God of the Brooks—before I give a few excerpts to whet your appetite. We also briefly discuss God of the Aurora, a modern missionary autobiography adventure, and give a preview of next week’s episode.



📖 Romans 1:16


📚 Alaska’s Dog Heroes: True Stories of Remarkable Canines, by Shelley Gill.

📚 The Great Serum Race: Blazing the Iditarod Trail, by Debbie Miller

📚 The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race Against an Epidemic, by Gay Salisbury and Laney Salisbury. 320 pages.

📖 The Bible

📚 (Fiction) God of the Brooks, by Bruce Hamilton

📚 (Fiction) God of the Gold, by Bruce Hamilton

📚 (Autobiographical missionary adventure) God of the Aurora, by Bruce Hamilton




“Are you preparing to go to Alaska?”—Nathan’s sister (thanks for the cameo appearance!)
“That first year, I was pretty much housebound, and I wanted to accomplish something, and one of the things that I did to literally survive that six and a half year journey was write a book in my mind….The first eight months, I went through the Bible seven times, so that saturated my mind and soul with the word of God….in conjunction with that, I would escape in my mind to surviving in the wilderness…”—Pastor Bruce Hamilton

“Many are cold, few are frozen.”—Pastor Bruce Hamilton

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