knight protecting castle - podcast interview with Pete Wright about dads protecting our families
Picture of Nathan Ching

Nathan Ching

A redeemed child of God, happy husband, homeschooling dad of ten, and lifelong lover of good books.

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51 | Dads, Protect Your Family


Hey Fellow Dads,

Do we really have a Scriptural mandate as fathers to protect our families, or is that just a Western cultural idea? How does ego play in? What if we’re not naturally strong or tough? What do we need to keep in mind as we learn to be protectors? What books can help? Listen in as my brother-in-law Pete, a very experienced protector, shares helpful principles for protecting our families both physically and spiritually.



  • Deuteronomy 10
  • Psalm 82
  • James 1:2
  • 1 Samuel
  • Job 1:4-5
  • John 19:26, 27
  • Matthew 10:16
  • Matthew 4:4

Quotes from Pete

“The sacrifice that Christ gave—He was willing to lose His life—and He was willing to lose His life on purpose—in order to protect us from the eternity that humankind has earned. So, instead of us going into that eternity, He gave Himself, He yielded Himself.”

“We would not have to defend somebody who has a father there to defend them already.”

“I think in this day and age, we are going to have to exercise spiritual protection almost incomparably more than physical protection.”

“Part of the protection that we provide has to do with getting the Bible into our kids.”

“If we are to be proper protectors, we have to have the spiritual fitness there….We have to be clear of mind in order to make wise decisions….”

“A lot of guys have egos and don’t know how to keep their ego in check. There are a lot of fights that could be avoided or dissuaded if they would just walk away.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being dangerous, as long as that danger is pointed in the right direction.”

“There are absolutely real limitations. Work with what you’ve got.”

“We have to figure out where we are willing to sacrifice in order to become a better protector.”

“There are only two people who are aware—good guys and bad guys, and all the people in between, they’re oblivious. And the bad guys are going to pick up on the good guys who are aware, and they’re not the ones they’re going to go after. They’re going to go after the easy targets.”

“There’s so much out there that we constantly have to be on our toes and protect them at every turn that we can.”


When Christ “gave himself” for the church, the word implies hazarding his life. Protecting others may involve risking our own lives.

Most important skills we need as men to protect our families:

  1. Fitness—spiritual, emotional, and physical.
  2. Fellowship—with the Holy Spirit, with other likeminded dads.
  3. Fight—learn how to effectively use controlled violence to protect your family.

Books Mentioned by Pete

  • 📖 The Bible
  • 📖 Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life, by Patrick Van Horne and Jason A. Riley
  • 📖 Strong’s Concordance, by James Strong
  • 📖 Morning and Evening, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
  • 📖 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis
  • 📖 A blank journal

Books Recommended by Nathan

  • 📖 The Bible
  • 📖 The Men We Need, by Brant Hansen

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