Dad leading kids on hiking journey, also Bible open to Thanksgiving passage in Psalms, with fall leaves
Picture of Nathan Ching

Nathan Ching

A redeemed child of God, happy husband, homeschooling dad of ten, and lifelong lover of good books.

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53 | Dads, Teach Your Family


Hey fellow dads,

How do you “start where you are” to lead your family even when you know you aren’t the dad you ought to be? What hope do we have when greater men than us have not been able to raise godly children? Or is that even our goal? Join us today as we learn from my friend William Maricle about being the spiritual leader (teacher or prophet) for our families.

And, starting at 34:54, I have a special Thanksgiving weekend treat for you—an excerpt from Of Plimoth Plantation that the whole family can enjoy.


Description of Role #3: Prophet

What exactly does a prophet do? Throughout the Bible, we see that prophets consistently kept these four elements in their lives:

  1. They foretold—they told the future, often warning about the consequences of sin.
  2. They forthtold—they told the truth as was needed to be spoken, often uncomfortable truth.
  3. But before they did either of these, they listened to God.
  4. And, the ultimately, they spoke to people in their own sphere of influence with the authority of “thus saith the LORD”—they were God’s mouthpiece for the people in their lives.


  • 📖 Proverbs 22:3
  • 📖 Proverbs 22:6
  • 📖 God’s choice of David, son of Jesse—1 Samuel 16
  • 📖 Story of David’s sin and his family’s failures—2 Samuel chapters 11-19
  • 📖 Proverbs 28:13
  • 📖 A perfect environment for the “children” of the first Father—Genesis chapters 2-3
  • 📖 Three generations of imperfect, yet godly, fathers—Genesis chapters 22 -47
  • 📖 The story of three men—Ezekiel 18
  • 📖 1 Peter 5:6

Quotes by William Maricle

“As men, there’s no way we can completely assume that role, unless we ourselves are attempting to discover the word of God for ourselves, and be in it. But then I would hasten to say, that it’s better to be a father who feels inadequate but is just giving what he can, than to be a father who feels like he has all the answers and demands his kids listen to him.”

“Have the heart to say, ‘Dad doesn’t know much, but please do right.”

Book Recommendation

📚 Seeking a Godly Seed, by Clint Caviness

About a Book Quoted

📚 Of Plymouth Plantation, by William Bradford

The original title, Of Plimoth Plantation, used the original spelling of the settlement’s name—and the name of the living history village to this day. For further research:

A pdf of Bradford’s manuscript may be downloaded here:

A cursory examination of this handwritten manuscript reveals that English spelling was not yet standardized in the 1600’s and 1700’s. Case in point: Governor Bradford refers to himself as “goofner Bradford”!

The entire book appears to be available for reading on this website:

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