Open tomb on Resurrection Day
Picture of Nathan Ching

Nathan Ching

A redeemed child of God, happy husband, homeschooling dad of ten, and lifelong lover of good books.

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035 | Rejoice in Jesus’ Victory!


Hey Dads,

What are your plans for this Resurrection Sunday? Are you helping your family rejoice in Jesus’ victory over death? In this episode, we first explore what Christ’s death and resurrection mean for us today, then list ideas for Scriptures, books, music, and more to help your family celebrate the true meaning of this Easter season.

He is risen—let’s rejoice!



  • Hebrews 2:14-15
  • John 20:1-2, 11-21
  • 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
  • 1 Corinthians 1:18
  • Luke 18:31-34
  • Colossians 3:16
  • Romans 10:13-14


“At these words, you hear fetters burst and prison walls falling down; barriers as high as heaven are overthrown, and gates which had been closed for thousands of years again move on their hinges.”
—Freidrich W. Krummacher

“With ample justification, this has been called the greatest single word ever uttered.”
—J. Oswald Sanders

“‘It is finished!’—three words in our English Bible, only one in the Greek Testament. ‘Tetelestai!’…He had finished the work the Father gave Him to do. He had glorified God to the full in the place where He had been so terribly dishonored, and now because of that finished work God can ‘be just, and the Justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.’ “And so the message of the gospel that goes out to all men everywhere today is this: ‘The work that saves is finished! Jesus did it all upon the cross.’”
—H.A. Ironside, Addresses on the Gospel of John, p.841

“When Jesus cried, ‘It is finished,’ He bowed His head and gave up the ghost. He did not die from exhaustion. He dismissed His spirit. We can not do that. How many suffering ones have wished that they might. But when Jesus settled the sin question, when He had drunk the cup of judgment, when He had glorifed God in the putting away of sin, He cried, ‘It is finished,’ and He dismissed His spirit.”
—H.A. Ironside, Addresses on the Gospel of John, p.842

“He had at length offered up the perfect sacrifice, of which every Mosaic sacrifice was a type and symbol, and there remained no more need of offering for sin. The old covenant was finished.”

—J.C. Ryle, quoted in The Incomparable Christ, p.193

“Do you know this blessed Saviour? Have you trusted Him for yourself? Oh, if you have not trusted Him, I plead with you, bow now at the foot of that cross, confess yourself a sinner, tell Him that you will put your heart’s confidence in Him who died to redeem you, and go forth to own Him henceforth as your Lord and Master as well as your Saviour.”

—H.A. Ironside, Addresses on the Gospel of John, p. 842

‘Tis finished—was His latest voice;
These sacred accents o’er
He bowed His dead, gave up the ghost,
And suffered pain no more.

‘Tis finished—the Messiah dies
For sins, but not His own;
The great redemption is complete,
And Satan’s power is overthrown.
—Author Unknown

Arise, my soul, arise! Shake off thy guilty fears,
The bleeding sacrifice in thy behalf appears;
Before the throne my Surety stands,
My name is written on His hands.

Five bleeding wounds He bears, received on Calvary,
They pour effectual prayers, they strongly plead for me;
“Forgive him, oh, forgive!” they cry,
Nor let that ransomed sinner die.

To God I’m reconciled*, His pard’ning voice I hear,
He owns me for His child, I can no longer fear!
With confidence I now draw nigh,
And “Father, Abba, Father” cry!

Charles Wesley, “Arise, My Soul, Arise”
*Original lyrics: “My God is reconciled”


📖 Simple Sermons on the Savior’s Last Words, by W. Herschel Ford

📖 The Incomparable Christ, by J. Oswald Sanders

📖 Addresses on the Gospel of John, by Harry Allen Ironside

📖 (For younger readers) The Story of the Empty Tomb, published by Arch Books

📖 (For teens and up) What Are Christmas and Easter All About? By John Cross, published by Goodseed International

📖 (Hymnal) Bible Truth Hymns, published by Bible Truth Music

📖 (Hymnal) Rejoice, published by Majesty Music

(The next two books are not mentioned in this episode, but they are beneficial to the study of Christ’s resurrection)

📖 The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel

📖 Person of Interest, by J. Warner Wallace

Music Recordings

Risen”, produced by the Wilds Christian Association

“The Majesty and Glory of the Resurrection” by Billy Ray Hearn and Tom Fettke, available on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, etc.

Worthy of Praise,” released in 1998 by Majesty Music

Shadow of the Cross,” released in 2009 by Majesty Music

Can It Be,” released in 2020 by Majesty Music

Suggestions to help lead our families to rejoice in Jesus’ victory

  1. Read about the Lord’s death and resurrection.
  2. Provide material about the death and resurrection of Christ for our children to look at and read themselves.
  3. Regularly take your family to a Bible-preaching and Bible-teaching church where you can expect to hear the word of God faithfully and diligently expounded.
  4. Memorize a passage of scripture about Christ’s death and resurrection together.
  5. Listen to biblically-sound, Christ-honoring music whose lyrics and music exult in Christ’s finished work and resurrection.
  6. Sing songs about Jesus together.
  7. Let your family hear you thank the Lord for His victory, with genuine gratitude in your voice.
  8. Pray for and look for opportunities to share this life-changing news with someone else.

Gospel tract recommendations

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“Jesus Paid It All,” used with permission:

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): 


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