Dad & child looking at Bible together
Picture of Nathan Ching

Nathan Ching

A redeemed child of God, happy husband, homeschooling dad of ten, and lifelong lover of good books.

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Hey Fellow Dads!

Do you ever listen to the news and feel like the world is one big bounce house—and you’re trying to stand in it? I know I do. This is a rapidly changing world. Two words come to mind to describe this world: unpredictability and instability.

But there is something we as dads can do for our families throughout the year, that will give them a stability that just isn’t found in this ever-changing world. We’ve got to lead them to the word of God and in the word of God.

So on this first day of 2024, in this episode–#24–I lay out five very simple, doable practices you can begin implementing today to lead your family to the Bible and in the Bible.

Happy New Year!


Main Ideas

  1. Select a passage.
    Choose one passage per week or per month for your family to read every day of that period of time.
  2. Set a daily time that works for the whole family.
    Prioritizing reading the Bible together is helping our children sense that this is important to daddy and mommy–and as you heard in a recent episode–what we prioritize, our children will tend to prioritize.
  3. Study the passage.
    Dig into the Text yourself to learn about its context, its literal meaning, its doctrinal meaning, and its practical meaning.The best Bible commentary is the Bible itself.
    Bible Commentaries
    📖 Bible Exposition Commentary, by Warren Wiersbe
    📖 Bible commentaries by Harry Allen Ironside (ex: Expository Notes on the Gospel of Matthew; Expository Notes on Mark; Addresses on the Gospel of Luke; Addresses on the Gospel of John)
  4. Simply explain the scripture text
    1. It might be a verse.
    2. It might be a part of a verse.
    3. It might be a word.
  5. Seek for the practical application.
    Ask, how can the truth in this text be used in our lives?
    All of the Bible is written for me, but not all the Bible is written to me.
    Each passage of scripture is written to one of three categories of people: Jews, Gentiles, church of God (Christians).
    1 Corinthians 10:32 “Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:”
    2 Timothy 3:16-17
  6. Bonus Suggestion: Supplicate! 
    Ask for God’s help and guidance and power to obey what He has taught us in that passage.
    Illus. When we read John 13:12-17, we prayed…I suppose it goes without saying, you can follow every one of these suggestions–but if you don’t do one thing, none of these suggestions will really amount to anything.
    What is that one thing?
    Revelation 1:3 says, “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
    This thing is not a suggestion–it’s an absolute essential. No matter how you lead your family’s Bible time, you have to read it.

There are treasures to be found only in books, but the greatest treasure is found in the greatest book, and if you will read that Book, you’ll find great treasure there!

Fellow dads, as we plunge into 2024, let’s be sure to prioritize leading our families to the Bible and in the Bible!

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